Tamara Ebl, CPA,CA

(She, Her, Hers)


Faculty of Management
Other Titles: UBC Okanagan Teaching Fellow [2023-2024, 2024-2025], Chair - UBCO Senate Appeals of Standing and Discipline Committee [2023-present], co-Chair - UBC Advisory Committee on Generative AI in Teaching and Learning [2023-present]
Office: EME 4127
Phone: 250.807.9221
Email: tamara.ebl@ubc.ca

Courses & Teaching


MGMT 201 / 301 Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGMT 202 / 302 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
MGMT 330 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
MGMT 360 Business Conditions Analysis
MGMT 401 Intermediate Managerial Accounting
MGMT 403 Auditing and Assurance Services
MGMT 405 Advanced Managerial Accounting
MGMT 419H Special Topics in Management: Corporate Governance


MGMT 531 Leadership




Ms. Ebl joined the Faculty of Management at UBC’s Okanagan campus during the 2009-2010 academic year. With genuine intention of continuous improvement, Ms. Ebl is a member of various Communities of Practice and often contributes as presenter/panelist for workshops, seminars, and conferences.

An advocate for the TEACHERS Well-Being Project (Training and Engaging Academics in their Classrooms to positively impact Health, Education and Resiliency in our Students), Ms. Ebl aims to express empathy and encourage support for the physical and mental / emotional health of students and colleagues. Ms. Ebl implements various intentional interventions both inside and outside of the classroom to improve the experience of students and colleagues.

Ms. Ebl is humbled and honoured to have been named a UBC Okanagan Teaching Fellow [2023-2024 and 2024-2025] in recognition of outstanding teaching, scholarship, and educational leadership activities contributing broadly to the teaching and learning mission of UBC’s Okanagan campus.

Ms. Ebl has taught at other post-secondary institutions and has been involved in teaching, facilitation, and marking for professional programs (including the Professional Education Program for the Chartered Professional Accountant designation and predecessor programs for the Chartered Accountant designation). Ms. Ebl has also been involved in development and delivery of in-house training programs for a large CPA, CA firm.

Ms. Ebl has conducted work for various academic publishers, including:

  • authoring of testbanks
  • authoring of a Master Budget Project
  • editorial review of chapters and textbooks
  • double-blind review of academic paper

Ms. Ebl’s scholarship of teaching and learning has extended to her many years of coaching students for academic case competitions.



Ms. Ebl is proud to serve UBC and the Faculty of Management:

  • UBC Okanagan Senate
    • Elected Senator for UBCO [2017-2020, 2020-2023, 2023-2026]
    • Chair of the UBCO Senate Appeals of Standing and Discipline Committee [2023-present]
    • Active member of the UBCO Senate Agenda Committee [2019-present]
    • Chair of the UBCO Senate Admissions and Awards Committee [2020-2023]
    • Vice-Chair of the UBCO Senate Nominating Committee [2020-2023]
    • Active member of the UBC Council of Senates [2019-2023]
    • Vice-Chair, Acting Chair of the UBCO Senate Admissions and Awards Committee [2019]
  • UBC Search Committees
    • Elected Faculty Rep for UBC Okanagan, UBC Chancellor Search Committee [2023-2024]
    • Elected Faculty Rep for UBC Okanagan, UBC Presidential Search Committee [2022-2023]
    • President’s Advisory Committee for Selection of the UBC Vice-President External Relations [2024]
    • President’s Advisory Committee for Selection of the Deputy Vice Chancellor for UBC’s Okanagan Campus [2019-2020]
    • Elected Faculty Rep, UBC Faculty of Management Dean Search Committee [2023-2024]
  • UBC Cross-Campus Working Groups
    • co-Chair, UBC Advisory Committee on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Teaching & Learning [2023-present]
    • Chair, Teaching Activities Working Group (‘Learning and Teaching Beyond COVID’ Task Force) [2021-2022]
    • Academic Advisory Committee for UBC Digital Strategy [2020-present]
    • UBC’s Cross-Campus Student Response System Working Group [2019-2020]
  • Faculty of Management
    • Faculty of Management Undergraduate Curriculum Working Group [2016-present]
    • CPA Mapping of Undergraduate Accounting Curriculum for Faculty of Management [2014-present]
    • Various other Working Groups in service to the Faculty of Management
    • Academic Coach [2014-present]
    • Case Competitions Judge [2013-present]
    • Faculty Advisor, UBCO JDC West [2013-2014, 2016-2022]
    • Faculty Advisor, UBC Management Students Association (MSA) – Conferences and Competitions [2016-2019]

Ms. Ebl is also proud to serve as a volunteer for her profession and for various not-for-profit organizations in the community:

  • Service to the CPA Profession
    • CPA Canada Learning Outcomes Subject Matter Expert [2022-present]
    • Area Leader, CPA Financial Literacy Volunteer Program [2015-2022]
  • Service to the IIA Profession
    • Audit and Governance Chair, Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) – Vancouver Chapter [2005-2007]
    • Treasurer, Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) – Vancouver Chapter [2003-2005]
  • Service to the Community
    • President, Rutland Senior Secondary (RSS) Parent Advisory Council (PAC) [2023-present]
    • Treasurer, Thompson Okanagan Rugby Alliance (TORA) [2022-2024]
    • Financial Manager, Central Okanagan Rugby Enthusiasts (CORE) [2019-2021]
    • Treasurer, Springvalley Middle School (SMS) Parent Advisory Council (PAC) [2018-2020]
    • COPAC Representative, Springvalley Middle School (SMS) Parent Advisory Council (PAC) [2018-2020]
    • School Planning Council, Quigley Elementary School [2012-2017]
    • Director, Quigley Elementary Parent Advisory Council (PAC) [2014-2017]
    • Treasurer, Quigley Elementary Parent Advisory Council (PAC) [2012-2014]



Ms. Ebl articled with PricewaterhouseCoopers (previously Price Waterhouse) for her CA (now CPA, CA) designation. She has since held various positions in industry, including the position of Manager, Enterprise Risk Management and OSC Compliance with a large publicly traded company.



Ms. Ebl’s specific areas of expertise include:

  • Course Design and Delivery
  • Case-Based Approaches to Teaching
  • Flipping the Classroom (Best Practices, Techniques, Tools)
  • Corporate Governance (including Enterprise Risk Management)
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Strategy and Balanced Scorecard
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Leadership
  • Business Process Re-Engineering and Change Management
  • Audit and Assurance
  • Financial Accounting and Reporting

Ms. Ebl is particularly interested in exploring the impacts of high profile corporate (and not-for-profit) governance failures on the regulatory climate within which organizations must adapt in order to achieve success. Ms. Ebl has been recognized as a leader in the field of enterprise risk management (ERM), and has presented on the topic at various conferences, both locally and internationally.



Ms. Ebl takes great pride in contributing to the learning experience of future business professionals.

Outside of academia, Ms. Ebl’s utmost joy is spending time with family and friends. She also enjoys researching, experiencing, and applying various topics of both personal and professional interest. Ms. Ebl is a long-time supporter of rugby, a sport in which her husband represented Canada internationally for many years, and a current supporter of the various athletic, musical, academic, and leadership ambitions of her children.


Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA)
... CPA Canada and CPA British Columbia

Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
... Institute of Internal Auditors

Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting (BBA)
... Simon Fraser University

Selected Grants & Awards


  • UBC Okanagan Teaching Fellows Award [2023-2024, 2024-2025]
  • UBC Management Students Association (MSA) ‘Outstanding Service’ Award [2015]


  • UBC Okanagan ‘Golden Apple x I Am Accessible Awards’ [2023]
  • UBC ‘Thank a Prof’ [2014, 2016, 2022]
  • Selected as Model for UBC ‘Open Classroom’ Initiative [2018, 2020]
  • UBC ‘VOICE Golden Apple Awards’ [2018]


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